**Honoring the Fat, Loving, Sensual Body and treating it like a temple! **

I am offering a workshop that focuses on self-care, learning tools to quiet the critic inside of you, treating your body as a temple, and giving those who identify as Fat and Femme a safe place to explore their sensuality and to be sexy beings. Here is a description of what to expect below and what I will be teaching:

As Fat people, we deal with external and internal fatphobia that does not allow us to see that our bodies are not sacred or sensual and should be honored. Each Fat Femme(means anyone who identifies as female. Whether you are born female, Trans, butch, stud, Or non-binary. And race has nothing to do with being femme either) person, we deserve, yearn for, and needs a space to start that journey into honoring our bodies. Through this workshop, MsK will help each participant to ask themselves to let go and give themselves some graces for being Fat, self-care tools to care for themselves, develop affirmations to set the tone of honoring their Fat bodies, small movement to open up their body to feel more sensual vibe and to treat their beautiful fat body as a sacred temple.

A workshop led by MsK for those who identify as Fat and Femme to treat themselves better and like a temple. We will go over the following items during this workshop:

  • What does self-care look like for you
  • Tools to help with intrusive thoughts with some tools you can use
  • That our bodies are as sacred and sensual as anyone else and are temples
  • To learn different techniques on how to start your journey in being more present and
    treating it as a temple
  • How to sense your body’s needs and listen to it
  • That being Sensual is not a race and just be you!
  • Sex. What is it, how does it affect you as a Fat Femme and what steps in how to accept being a sexy being
  • And to give yourself some grace!!!!

There will be refreshments, goodie bags and a short fashion show at this event. You can purchase tickets thru this website: https://forbiddentickets.com/events/msk/2024-03-24-honoring-the-fat-loving-sensual-body-and-treating-it-like-a-temple. Tickets are $35 plus service fees.

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